Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

I used to complain about not having shoes until i saw a man with no feet!

This blog is written for basketball players, who are currently in a bad situation. My own experience has shown me that you will have to fight some issues in most teams, and at the current moment they might seem big to you, but if you look at people in other situations you will notice they are nothing. Most often we forget one fact and it’s the most important fact: YOU ARE DOING WHAT YOU LOVE DOING!!!! So the following little phrases should remind you that it could always be worse. All of those examples are not made up, they either happened to me, to someone I know or to another client of a former agency, so this is the truth! Things like this really happen, so next time when you think about complaining about your current situation …. Think again ;-)

I used to complain about my apartment being too small until I had to share an apartment with 5 other players!

I used to complain about not having cable or internet until I didn’t have electricity!

I used to complain about not having warm water until I didn’t have water at all!

I used to complain about having my washer in the neighbor house until I had to take my laundry in the city to get it washed there!

I used to complain about not having an oven until I had to share a kitchen with all my teammates!

I used to complain about not having international TV channels until I didn’t have a TV!

I used to complain about living too far from the gym until I lived in another city 40min away!

I used to complain about having a small or old car until I didn’t have a car at all!

I used to complain about too cold weather until I lived in a country, where it’s dark at 3pm and snowing 24/7!

I used to complain about having to pay for my own pre-game meal until I had to pay for my Christmas dinner  and do the dishes afterwards!

I used to complain about not all of my teammates speaking my language until I had a coach, who didn’t speak my language either!

I used to complain about one selfish teammate until I was playing with 7 other pros, whose personal goal didn’t match the team goal!

I used to complain about one hater teammate until I didn’t get along with any of them!

I used to complain about being the only one to go workout in the mornings until I didn’t have a gym to work out by myself!

I used to complain about not being the key player until I wasn’t playing at all!

I used to complain about one lost game until I went 0-12 at the beginning of the season!

I used to complain about a messed up stat sheet until the league didn’t scout any of our games!

I used to complain about a sprained ankle until I was out for the season!

I used to complain about being out for the season until I wasn’t able to ever play ball again!

I used to complain about having a bad trainer until I had to tape my own ankle!

I used to complain about too long road trips until I had to take a plane even to my own home games!

I used to complain about not being able to go home for Christmas until I got a ticket to go home for Christmas with no return flight!

I used to complain about always getting my money late until I didn’t get my money at all!

I used to complain about something in my team until I didn’t have a team at all…

So remember, there is always, ALWAYS, A-L-W-A-Y-S something to be thankful for!